PK-00098: Ríalidál

Owned by IceDragonQueen22

Image #1383

Origin Ears (Kiji) (Common) (Spliced Dominant)
Origin Ears (Kiji) (Common) (Spliced Dominant)

Long Whiskers (Uncommon) (Spliced Dominant)
Medium Whiskers (Common) (Dominant)

Whisker Ends:
Claw Ends (Common) (Recessive)
Fang Ends (Common) (Spliced Recessive)

Wolf Cheeks (Common) (Spliced Dominant)
Wolf Cheeks (Common) (Dominant)

Long Mane (Kiji) (Uncommon) (Recessive)
Long Mane (Kiji) (Uncommon) (Spliced Recessive)

Medium Tail Fur (Common) (Dominant)
Medium Tail Fur (Common) (Spliced Dominant)

Black Bones (Kiji) (Uncommon) (Spliced Dominant)
Fangs (Kiji) (Uncommon) (Dominant)

Scaled (Kiji) (Rare) (Dominant)
Shiny (Kiji) (Rare) (Recessive)
Sparkly (Kiji) (Legendary) (Recessive)

Long Leg Fur (Kiji) (Rare) (Recessive)
Long Leg Fur (Kiji) (Rare) (Spliced Recessive)

Fable Wings (Legendary) (Added Spliced)
Quetzal Wings (Rare) (Dominant)

Dragon Horns (Kiji) (Rare) (Spliced Recessive)
Unicorn Horn (Kiji) (Legendary) (Spliced Recessive)

Blue Fire (Legendary) (Recessive)
Red Fire (Rare) (Spliced Dominant)
Spirit Fire (Legendary) (Spliced Dominant)

Back Stock (Uncommon) (Dominant)
Back Stock (Uncommon) (Spliced Dominant)
Boots Marking (Common) (Spliced Dominant)
Boots Marking (Common) (Occult)
Crested (Uncommon) (Dominant)
Faun (Rare) (Recessive)
Fox (Common) (Dominant)
Fox (Common) (Spliced Dominant)
Glazed (Rare) (Spliced Dominant)
Maned (Common) (Spliced Dominant)
Ombre (Uncommon) (Spliced Recessive)
Ombre (Uncommon) (Recessive)
Overlay (Common) (Spliced Recessive)
Overlay (Common) (Recessive)
Pigeon (Rare) (Spliced Dominant)
Pinto (Uncommon) (Spliced Recessive)
Python (Uncommon) (Occult)
Race (Common) (Dominant)
Race (Common) (Spliced Dominant)
Shaded (Uncommon) (Recessive)
Shaded (Uncommon) (Spliced Occult)
Shadow (Common) (Recessive)
Skew (Uncommon) (Added)
Skew (Uncommon) (Spliced Added)
Spotted (Uncommon) (Spliced Dominant)
Spotted (Uncommon) (Recessive)
Starry (Rare) (Spliced Recessive)
Tips (Common) (Spliced Dominant)
Tips (Common) (Recessive)
Traced (Legendary) (Added)
Underbelly (Common) (Spliced Dominant)
Underbelly (Common) (Recessive)

Blinding (Common) (Tier 2/4)
Burning (Common) (Tier 3/4)
Burning (Common) (Spliced Tier 3/4)
Cloning Technique (Rare) (Spliced Tier 1/2)
Cloning Technique (Rare) (Tier 1/2)
Core-Blessed (Uncommon) (Spliced Tier 1/3 {L})
Diligence (Rare) (Spliced)
Freezing (Common) (Tier 2/4)
Gaia's Summoning (Legendary) (Spliced Tier 1/3)
Holy Water (Unique) (Added)
Instant Pest (Legendary) (Spliced)
Kindred (Rare) (Spliced)
Lucky (Common) (Spliced Tier 1/3)
Lucky (Common) (Tier 1/3)
Lust (Rare) (Spliced)
Moon-Kissed (Kiji) (Rare) (Spliced Tier 1/3)
Moon-Kissed (Kiji) (Rare) (Tier 1/3)
Paralyzation (Common) (Spliced Tier 2/4)
Paralyzation (Common) (Tier 2/4)
Petrification (Common) (Spliced Tier 2/4)
Petrification (Common) (Tier 2/4)
Poisonous (Common) (Spliced Tier 2/4)
Poisonous (Common) (Tier 1/4)
Prestige (Legendary) (Spliced Tier 1/2)
Resist Burn (Uncommon) (Tier 3/4)
Resist Freeze (Uncommon) (Spliced Tier 1/4)
Resist Paralyze (Uncommon) (Spliced Tier 1/4)
Resist Petrify (Uncommon) (Tier 1/4)
Resist Soak (Uncommon) (Tier 1/4)
Resist Winded (Uncommon) (Tier 1/4)
Runner (Common) (Spliced Tier 1/3)
Runner (Common) (Tier 1/3)
Star-Blessed (Legendary) (Tier 1/3)
Stoneskin (Common) (Spliced)
Stun Force (Common) (Spliced Tier 2/4)
Stun Force (Common) (Tier 2/4)
Sun-Kissed (Kiji) (Common) (Spliced Tier 1/3)
Ultra-Violet (Rare) (Added Tier 1/3)
Upgrade (Rare) (Spliced Tier 1/4)
Warrior (Common) (Spliced Tier 1/3)
Warrior (Common) (Tier 1/3)
Wrath (Rare) (Spliced)

Uploaded: 9 months and 3 weeks ago
Last Edited: 9 months and 3 weeks ago
No additional notes given.

20 November 2021, 23:05:55 PST

Calico Albino Base with Regular Energy, R. Tips, O. Boots, D. Race, R. Overlay, R. Shadow, D. Crested, R. Shaded, R. Iridescent, R. Ombre. R. Underbelly, D. Fox, R. Spotted, D. Back Stock, R. Faun, O. Python
D. Origin Ears, D. Medium Whiskers, R. Claw Ends, D. Wolf Cheeks, R. Long Mane, D. Medium Tail Fur
D. Fangs, R. Shiny, D. Quetzal Wings, D. Feathered Frill, R. Blue Fire, D. Scales, R. Sparkly, R. Long Leg Fur, Lackluster Energy, Static Energy, Keratin Energy
Instant Death, Charity, Lucky I, Runner I, Boss Dominator, Burning III, Resist Burn III, Paralyzation II, Stoneskin, Stat Indicator, Poisonous I, Stun Force II, Resist Winded I, Petrification II, Elemental, Blinding II, Weak Freeze I, Enhanced Bleeding I, Counter Control I, Resist Petrify I, Humility, Freezing II, Lovely, Sun-Kissed I, Star-Blessed I, Cloning Technique I, Resist Blinding I, Moon-Kissed I, Gaia's Summoning I, Resist Paralyze I, Warrior I, Resist Soak I, Kindred, Blinding II

Health: (20) +15 *1 +4 T:39(21)
Speed: (7) +9 *1 +8 T:24(11)
Stamina: (7) +8 *1 +4 T:19(10)
Strength: (6) +7 *1 +4 T:17(9)
Attack: (7) +19 *1 +8 T:34(9)
Luck: (7) +9 *1 +12 T:28(15)
Defense: (7) +19 *1 +2 T:28(15)
Charisma: (7) +56 *1 +64 T:127(68)

Rebirth Level: 0
Rebirth Cooldown: 7 days

Able to Summon? Yes
Total Number of Summons: 2
Summon Cooldown: 7 days

Equipment Slots Totals:
Head: 0/2
Feet: 0/1
Body: 0/1
Top: 0/1
Bottom: 0/1
Tail: 0/1
Accessory: 0/2
Tool: 0/1

Familiars: 0/5

Den: None

Dungeon Progress:
Red Labyrinth: Not Started
Dry Burrows: Not Started
Turbulent Caverns: Not Started
Floating Islands: Not Started

Familiar Effects:
Extra Equipment Effects:

Cove Effects:
-Core-Blessed: -2 Luck if Tallies are in the image/lit
-Holy Water: Doesn't allow sin boosts to be applied from charity or envy.

PVP/PVE Effects:
-Blinding: 40% Chance
-Burning: 60% Chance
-Freezing: 40% Chance
-Paralyzation: 40% Chance
-Petrification: 40% Chance
-Poisonous: 40% Chance
-Stun Force: 40% Chance
-Enhanced Bleeding: 20% Chance
-Resist Blinding: 20% Chance
-Resist Burn: 60% Chance
-Resist Freeze: 20% Chance
-Resist Paralyze: 20% Chance
-Resist Petrify: 20% Chance
-Resist Winded: 20% Chance
-Resist Soak: 20% Chance
-Counter Control: 20% Chance
-Boss Dominator: All hits on Boss NPCs do CRIT 100% of the time.
-Instant Death: 5% chance to do blanket damage equal to enemy's health, removes familiars from drops, doesn't affect dungeons or World Events.
-Instant Pest: Has a 20% chance of applying Poison, Burning, Freezing, Paralyzation, Petrification, Blinding, Bleeding, and/or Stun each.
-Ultra-Violet: Adds a 20% chance of resisting Bleeding as well as putting a Radiation effect on everyone else in the image. Lowers Radiation effect on spirit by a tier.
-Wrath: CRIT is 80%
-Core-Blessed: -2 Luck if Tallies are in the image/lit
-Holy Water: Lowers enemy's health by 20% at start of battle, doesn't allow sin boosts to be applied from charity or envy.
-Warrior: Doubles Trash mobs in dungeons.
-Stat Indicator: Displays 50% of the enemy's stats and/or boosts.

Summoning/Rebirthing Effects:
-Cloning Technique: Changes all R. traits and markings to O. in summons.
-Gaia's Summoning: Allows the kiji to summon with another kiji with Gaia's Summoning, without items.
-Core-Blessed: -2 Luck if Tallies are in the summon
-Star-Blessed: Chance of changes occuring during rebirthing doubled.

Enchanting Effects:
-Instant Pest: 33% chance of corrupting items when enchanting.

Race Effects:
-Charity: Shares a max of 8 of the following boosts at random with allies in the image/lit, Elemental, Fisherman, Humility, Kindred, Lucky, Mercury, Moon-Kissed, Runner, Star-Blessed, Sun-Kissed
-Core-Blessed: -2 Luck if Tallies are in the image/lit
-Holy Water: Doesn't allow sin boosts to be applied from charity or envy.

Contest Effects:
-Holy Water: Doesn't allow sin boosts to be applied from charity or envy.
-Core-Blessed: -2 Luck if Tallies are in the image/lit
-Prestige: Increases all stats by 8 for contests.

Lore Effects:
-Holy Water: Doesn't allow sin boosts to be applied from charity or envy.
-Core-Blessed: -2 Luck if Tallies are in the image/lit

Den Effects:
-Holy Water: Doesn't allow sin boosts to be applied from charity or envy.
-Core-Blessed: -2 Luck if Tallies are in the image/lit

Other Effects:
-Charity: Shares a max of 8 of the following boosts at random with allies in the image/lit, Blinding II, Boss Dominator, Burning III, Elemental, Enhanced Bleeding, Counter Control, Freezing II, Humility, Instant Death, Kindred, Lovely, Lucky, Resist Winded, Resist Soak, Moon-Kissed, Paralyzation II, Petrification II, Poisonous, Resist Blinding, Resist Burn III, Resist Paralyze, Resist Petrify, Runner, Star-Blessed, Stoneskin, Stun Force II, Sun-Kissed, Warrior, Stat Indicator; has a 5% chance to effect enemies too.

After Roll Effects:
-Upgrade: Doubles the increase of permastats via leveling.

Parent 1
PK-00040: Fate

Notice: user-made terms are not binding, unless you have provided an electronic signature to the designer in question. You are responsible for obtaining and recording the version of the terms you agreed to.

Rílaméth's Terms
as of 2022-10-21 10:33:36
  1. You may edit, tweak, alter, or redesign any design I've done for you.
  2. You may resell/trade/gift the design, even if you got it for free from me.
  3. If you only alter, edit, or tweak, without redesigning entirely, be sure to credit me as the original designer in the update.

I think that's everything of relevance.