Category: Traits
Resale Value: 1000
Markings are asymmetrical. This trait CAN be combined with others.
Energy markings waft off the body, flowing after them with every movement. This trait CAN be combined with others.
Resale Value: 200
Energy does not glow.
The colors on the design do not move around.
Colors move through the energy design.
Resale Value: 500
The energy colors on the design are restricted to specific ranges in the design (such as up and down one leg, but down and up on a different leg). Cannot mimic Static, colors still move, just not through the entire energy design.
Long, leaf-like protrusions coming from all over the body.
Three or four colors.
[Subtalleon] Moves the energy off the wings and tail and onto the body.
[Subtalleon] Version of Minimal Energy. Removes large areas of energy coverage from the wings.
Seven to ten colors.
Five or six colors.
A cleft chin.
A short beard.
Purchaseable At:
A medium sized beard.
A long beard.
A medium beard that goes along the jaw.
A very long beard.
A long beard that is banded.
A long beard that's braided.