
Credits Sack

Credits Sack

Category: Openables


A sack in which you get 200 PT from


Purchaseable At:

Use as Emote
Credits Pack

Credits Pack

Category: Openables


Open to get 1000 PT


Purchaseable At:

Use as Emote
Credits Bundle

Credits Bundle

Category: Openables


Inside is 2000 PT!


Purchaseable At:

Use as Emote
Credits Chest

Credits Chest

Category: Openables


Inside is 10,000 PT!


Purchaseable At:

Use as Emote
Bag of Coins

Bag of Coins

Category: Openables

Resale Value: 400 Player Tokens


A small pouch of coins.

Obtained: Treasure Chest/Loot Bag

Use: Sell for 400 PT, or open for a chance of getting more!


Purchaseable At:

Use as Emote
Bag of Gems

Bag of Gems

Category: Openables

Resale Value: 500 Player Tokens


A small pouch of gems.

Obtained: Treasure Chest/Loot Bag

Use: Open for 8 random gemstones!


Purchaseable At:

Use as Emote
Fire Elemental Pack

Fire Elemental Pack

Category: Openables


A bundle of traits and items of fiery nature.

x1 Unique themed item from the pool below
x2 Random not unique traits
x3 Random equipment, two of which are enchanted
x1 Common Apparel Fragment
x1 Uncommon Apparel Fragment
x1 Rare Apparel Fragment
x1 Rebirthing Essence OR Reality Essence OR Trait Edit OR Skill Edit OR White Out

Themed Items (Click the names to preview the traits): 
Dragon's Maw
Fiery Wings
Lava Belly
Fiery Steps
Smokey Trail
Ring of Fire
Ember Jewelry
Scroll (+Heart of the Core)
Fotia Kai Familiar

Obtained: Ares' Shop; Discovery Cove; Events

Use: Open

Use as Emote
Familiar Blitz Gatcha

Familiar Blitz Gatcha

Category: Openables


This is not meant for newbies! This is meant for people with lots of expendable PT! You are not guarenteed winning ANY prizes, as chances are very low to win anything. More than likely you will just get a little PT back, you may have to purchase a large number to win anything listed below!

Open to see what reward you get!

Possible rewards:
x1 Random Common Familiar
x2 Random Common Familiar
x1 Your Choice Common Familiar (Will roll random if not specified)
x1 Your Choice Uncommon Familiar (Will roll random if not specified)
x1 Random Rare Familiar
x1 Ares Favor
x5 Rare Eggs


Purchaseable At:

Use as Emote
Light Elemental Pack

Light Elemental Pack

Category: Openables


A bundle of traits and items of ​light nature.

x1 Unique themed item from the pool below
x2 Random not unique traits
x3 Random equipment, two of which are enchanted
x1 Common Apparel Fragment
x1 Uncommon Apparel Fragment
x1 Rare Apparel Fragment
x1 Rebirthing Essence OR Reality Essence OR Trait Edit OR Skill Edit OR White Out

Themed Items (Click the names to preview the traits): 
Wings of Light
Gleaming Body
Golden Roses
Gleaming Trail
Infinity Ring
Archangel's Jewelry
Scroll (+Life's Blessing)
Angelic Fae Familiar

Obtained: ​Ares' Shop; Discovery Cove; Events

Use: Open

Use as Emote
Weapon of Mass Destruction Gatcha

Weapon of Mass Destruction Gatcha

Category: Openables


This is not meant for newbies! This is meant for people with lots of expendable PT! You are not guarenteed winning ANY prizes, as chances are very low to win anything. More than likely you will just get a little PT back, you may have to purchase a large number to win anything listed below!

Open to see what reward you get!

Possible rewards:
x1 Random Unenchanted Weapon Equipment
x5 Random Crafting Materials
x1 Accessory Pack
x1 Jewelry Pack
x2 Random Enchanted Weapon Equipment
x1 Flip Flops with 5 slots, 2 enchanted with good battle boosts
x2 Non-Unique Charm Trait of your Choice (Will roll random if not specified)


Purchaseable At:

Use as Emote
Lightning Elemental Pack

Lightning Elemental Pack

Category: Openables


A bundle of traits and items of static nature.

x1 Unique themed item from the pool below
x2 Random not unique traits
x3 Random equipment, two of which are enchanted
x1 Common Apparel Fragment
x1 Uncommon Apparel Fragment
x1 Rare Apparel Fragment
x1 Rebirthing Essence OR Reality Essence OR Trait Edit OR Skill Edit OR White Out

Themed Items (Click the names to preview the traits): 
Electricity Headdress
Charging Cape
Storm Step
Stormy Trail
Lightning Pillars
Lightning Accessories
Scroll (+Battery Pack)
Storm Bringer Familiar

Obtained: ​Ares' Shop; Discovery Cove; Events

Use: Open

Use as Emote
A Tale of Spells and Tomes Gatcha

A Tale of Spells and Tomes Gatcha

Category: Openables


This is not meant for newbies! This is meant for people with lots of expendable PT! You are not guarenteed winning ANY prizes, as chances are very low to win anything. More than likely you will just get a little PT back, you may have to purchase a large number to win anything listed below!

Open to see what reward you get!

Possible rewards:
x1 Treasure Map
x3 Empty Scrolls
x1 Common Enchanted Scroll
x1 Uncommon Enchanted Scroll
x1 Random Enchanted Tome
x5 Purified Tomes
x1 Random item from a Special Cove Shop


Purchaseable At:

Use as Emote
Wind Elemental Pack

Wind Elemental Pack

Category: Openables


A bundle of traits and items of windy proportions.

x1 Unique themed item from the pool below
x2 Random not unique traits
x3 Random equipment, two of which are enchanted
x1 Common Apparel Fragment
x1 Uncommon Apparel Fragment
x1 Rare Apparel Fragment
x1 Rebirthing Essence OR Reality Essence OR Trait Edit OR Skill Edit OR White Out

Themed Items (Click the names to preview the traits): 
Valkyrie Headpiece
Archangel's Wings
Cloud Cover
Hermes Shoes
Valkyrie Tailpiece
Air Wisps
Mist Flowers
Scroll (+Wingless Flight)
Hera's Hawk Familiar

Obtained: ​Ares' Shop; Discovery Cove; Events

Use: Open

Use as Emote
Back in the Day... Gatcha

Back in the Day... Gatcha

Category: Openables


This is not meant for newbies! This is meant for people with lots of expendable PT! You are not guarenteed winning ANY prizes, as chances are very low to win anything. More than likely you will just get a little PT back, you may have to purchase a large number to win anything listed below!

Open to see what reward you get!

Possible rewards:
x5 Relic From the Past
x3 Bag of Coins
x2 Bag of Gems
x5 Random Equipment
x1 Treasure Map
x3 Random Treasure Chests
x1 ​Beach Babe Familiar


Purchaseable At:

Use as Emote
Water Elemental Pack

Water Elemental Pack

Category: Openables


A bundle of traits and items of bubbly nature.

x1 Unique themed item from the pool below
x2 Random not unique traits
x3 Random equipment, two of which are enchanted
x1 Common Apparel Fragment
x1 Uncommon Apparel Fragment
x1 Rare Apparel Fragment
x1 Rebirthing Essence OR Reality Essence OR Trait Edit OR Skill Edit OR White Out

Themed Items (Click the names to preview the traits): 
Lokai Headdress
Net Cape
Water Jug
Ripple Step
Mermaid Tail Grip
Poseidon's Jewelry
Scroll (+Holy Water)
Koi Bearer Familiar

Obtained: ​Ares' Shop; Discovery Cove; Events

Use: Open

Use as Emote
Magical Mayhem Gatcha

Magical Mayhem Gatcha

Category: Openables


This is not meant for newbies! This is meant for people with lots of expendable PT! You are not guarenteed winning ANY prizes, as chances are very low to win anything. More than likely you will just get a little PT back, you may have to purchase a large number to win anything listed below!

Open to see what reward you get!

Possible rewards:
x5 Random Crafting Materials
x1 Your Choice Common Enchanted Scroll (Will roll random if not specified)
x1 Your Choice Common Familiar (Will roll random if not specified)
x3 Random Enchanted Scrolls
x1 Random Elemental/Universe Pack
x3 Enchanted Tomes of your choice (Will roll random if not specified)
x1 Mimic Familiar


Purchaseable At:

Use as Emote
Galaxy Elemental Pack

Galaxy Elemental Pack

Category: Openables


A bundle of traits and items of galactic proportions.

x1 Unique themed item from the pool below
x2 Random not unique traits
x3 Random equipment, two of which are enchanted
x1 Common Apparel Fragment
x1 Uncommon Apparel Fragment
x1 Rare Apparel Fragment
x1 Rebirthing Essence OR Reality Essence OR Trait Edit OR Skill Edit OR White Out

Themed Items (Click the names to preview the traits): 
Infiinity Circlet
Galaxy Cape
Star Heart
Star Rider
Planet Trail
Orbiter Guards
Infinity Jewelry
Scroll (+Planet Breaker)
The Sun is a Star Familiar

Obtained: ​Ares' Shop; Discovery Cove; Events

Use: Open

Use as Emote
Let's Play Dressup Gatcha

Let's Play Dressup Gatcha

Category: Openables


This is not meant for newbies! This is meant for people with lots of expendable PT! You are not guarenteed winning ANY prizes, as chances are very low to win anything. More than likely you will just get a little PT back, you may have to purchase a large number to win anything listed below!

Open to see what reward you get!

Possible rewards:
x3 Random Jewelry Equipment
x1 Ares's Mirror
x1 Trait Edit
x1 Skill Edit
x3 Your Choice Equipment (Will roll random if not specified)
x1 Non-Boss Unique Equipment
x1 Perma Glam Kit


Purchaseable At:

Use as Emote
Magic Elemental Pack

Magic Elemental Pack

Category: Openables


A bundle of traits and items of magical nature.

x1 Unique themed item from the pool below
x2 Random not unique traits
x3 Random equipment, two of which are enchanted
x1 Common Apparel Fragment
x1 Uncommon Apparel Fragment
x1 Rare Apparel Fragment
x1 Rebirthing Essence OR Reality Essence OR Trait Edit OR Skill Edit OR White Out

Themed Items (Click the names to preview the traits): 
Smokebomb Walker
Magic Trail
Magic Rosefall
Magic Hat
Magic Cape
Magic Color
Magic Accessories
Scroll (+Invisibility Spell)
Magic White Rabbit Familiar

Obtained: ​Ares' Shop; Discovery Cove; Events

Use: Open

Use as Emote
Brought from the Core Gatcha

Brought from the Core Gatcha

Category: Openables


This is not meant for newbies! This is meant for people with lots of expendable PT! You are not guarenteed winning ANY prizes, as chances are very low to win anything. More than likely you will just get a little PT back, you may have to purchase a large number to win anything listed below!

Open to see what reward you get!

Possible rewards:
x1 Trait Edit
x1 Your Choice Common Trait (Will roll random if not specified)
x2 Random Traits
x1 Rebirthing Essence
x1 Core Soul
x1 Legendary Trait/Marking of your Choice
x1 Random Unique Trait/Marking


Purchaseable At:

Use as Emote
3258 results found.