
Genie Braid

Genie Braid

Category: Unique Traits


Long braid on the back of its head.

Drops from the bosses: Royal Mimic, Genie

Use as Emote
Genie Beard

Genie Beard

Category: Unique Traits


A short beard with a small curl to it.

Drops from the bosses: Royal Mimic, Genie, Vampire, Minotaur

Use as Emote
Genie's Lamp

Genie's Lamp

Category: Unique Equipment

Subcategory: Tool Equipment


Is there supposed to be smoke coming out of that?

Type: Tool
Obtained: Boss Drop
Effect: Contains three charges before it vanishes; allows you to choose the drops desired for three total rolls. Cannot be used to get more Genie's Lamps. Cannot be used to find new locations. Cannot be used to get items that feasably cannot drop from the roll.

Use as Emote


Subcategory: Active Familiars


Does the magic come from the genie or the lamp?

Rarity: Legendary
Type: Active Familiar
Obtained: ​Dungeons; Some Events and activities
Use: ​​On a Spirit or on a Den
On a Spirit: Prevents Docks from being applied to the character {No Farmer increases}
On a Den: Allows you to gain the den effect of 2 random items (Familiar or Den Item) in the den's inventory that's not attached per submission.


Purchaseable At:

Use as Emote
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