
Month of Creation Voucher

Month of Creation Voucher

Category: Specialty Items

Turn this in to an admin to get the item you want from the shop.  We will be checking the price tag of the item to ensure you're getting the right item.

BECAUSE OF HOW THIS WORKS PLEASE PURCHASE THESE ONE AT A TIME. Purchasing more than one at a time makes it harder on the admins.

Any Common Marking/Trait - 16 Leaflets
Any Uncommon Marking/Trait - 30 Leaflets
Any Rare Marking/Trait - 33 Leaflets
Any Legendary Marking/Trait - 42 Leaflets
Random Rare Loot Bag or Uncommon Treasure Chest - 45 Leaflets
Random Elemental/Universe Pack - 50 Leaflets
Random Uncommon Geno - 75 Leaflets

For the 'any' items, please specify your choice.


Purchaseable At:

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