
Raptor Claw

Raptor Claw

Category: Unique Traits


A single extra-large claw on both the front (Inner fingers OR thumbs) OR back feet (Inner toe).

Drops from the bosses: Royal Mimic, Werewolf, T-Rex, Quetzalcoatl, Nightmare, Mantacore, Ice Dragon, Hippogryph, Gryphon, Great Phoenix, Fire Dragon, Elemental Hydra, Dragon

Use as Emote


Category: Familiars

Subcategory: Active Familiars

Resale Value: 1000 Player Tokens


A clever bipedal dino.

Rarity: Rare
Type: Active Familiar
Obtained: ​Discovery Cove; Some Events and activities
Use: ​On a Spirit or on a Den
On a Spirit: Adds 1 to each stat, multiplied by the number of raptors attached to the spirit. {Farmer 1-2 increases it by 1.5x, Farmer 3 increases it by double}
On a Den: Increases stats by 5% per dino familiar attached​​

Use as Emote
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