
Vault's Contract

Vault's Contract

Category: Specialty Items

You need to buy this item in order to use the Vault's Haven Crafting Recipes. Having this item in your bank allows you to craft Silver Coins for Vault's Haven.

You can buy this item in Vault's Haven.


Purchaseable At:

Use as Emote
Scroll (+Night's Reflection)

Scroll (+Night's Reflection)

Category: Specialty Items


Reference Link:

A scroll of lunar magic.

Obtained: Moon Universe Pack

Use: Apply to an equipment piece via an admin request. Equipment must have a free slot. Attach both the equipment and the scroll in consumables.

Effect: Adds the boost Night's Reflection to the equipment.

Use as Emote
Scroll (+The Big Bang)

Scroll (+The Big Bang)

Category: Specialty Items


Reference Link:

A scroll of universal magic.

Obtained: Planets Universe Pack

Use: Apply to an equipment piece via an admin request. Equipment must have a free slot. Attach both the equipment and the scroll in consumables.

Effect: Adds the boost The Big Bang to the equipment.

Use as Emote
Scroll (+The North Star)

Scroll (+The North Star)

Category: Specialty Items


Reference Link:

A scroll of stellar magic.

Obtained: Stars Universe Pack

Use: Apply to an equipment piece via an admin request. Equipment must have a free slot. Attach both the equipment and the scroll in consumables.

Effect: Adds the boost The North Star to the equipment.

Use as Emote
Scroll (+Naughty or Nice)

Scroll (+Naughty or Nice)

Category: Specialty Items


Reference Link:

A scroll of Christmas magic.

Obtained: Krampus Boss Event

Use: Apply to an equipment piece via an admin request. Equipment must have a free slot. Attach both the equipment and the scroll in consumables.

Effect: Adds the boost Naughty or Nice to the equipment.


Purchaseable At:

Use as Emote
Scroll (+Solar Flare)

Scroll (+Solar Flare)

Category: Specialty Items


Reference Link:

A scroll of solar magic.

Obtained: Sun Universe Pack

Use: Apply to an equipment piece via an admin request. Equipment must have a free slot. Attach both the equipment and the scroll in consumables.

Effect: Adds the boost Solar Flare to the equipment.

Use as Emote
Scroll (+Life's Blessing)

Scroll (+Life's Blessing)

Category: Specialty Items


Reference Link:

A scroll of shielding magic.

Obtained: Light Elemental Pack

Use: Apply to an equipment piece via an admin request. Equipment must have a free slot. Attach both the equipment and the scroll in consumables.

Effect: Adds the boost Life's Blessing to the equipment.

Use as Emote
Scroll (+Heart of the Core)

Scroll (+Heart of the Core)

Category: Specialty Items


Reference Link:

A scroll of core magic.

Obtained: Fire Elemental Pack

Use: Apply to an equipment piece via an admin request. Equipment must have a free slot. Attach both the equipment and the scroll in consumables.

Effect: Adds the boost Heart of the Core to the equipment.

Use as Emote
Scroll (+Wingless Flight)

Scroll (+Wingless Flight)

Category: Specialty Items


Reference Link:

A scroll of airy magic.

Obtained: Wind Elemental Pack

Use: Apply to an equipment piece via an admin request. Equipment must have a free slot. Attach both the equipment and the scroll in consumables.

Effect: Adds the boost Wingless Flight to the equipment.

Use as Emote
Glam Kit

Glam Kit

Category: Specialty Items

Resale Value: 1000 Player Tokens

A line edit tool.

Obtained: ​Credits Shop

Effect: Allows you to edit the lines for any single regular trait or mutation.
The edits must be approved by the owner, Wolvenhyde.


Purchaseable At:

Use as Emote
Scroll (+Invisibility Spell)

Scroll (+Invisibility Spell)

Category: Specialty Items


Reference Link:

A scroll of illusory magic.

Obtained: Magic Elemental Pack

Use: Apply to an equipment piece via an admin request. Equipment must have a free slot. Attach both the equipment and the scroll in consumables.

Effect: Adds the boost Invisibility Spell to the equipment.

Use as Emote
Scroll (+Snowy Embrace)

Scroll (+Snowy Embrace)

Category: Specialty Items


Reference Link:

A scroll of frosty magic.

Obtained: Ice Elemental Pack

Use: Apply to an equipment piece via an admin request. Equipment must have a free slot. Attach both the equipment and the scroll in consumables.

Effect: Adds the boost Snowey Embrace to the equipment.

Use as Emote
Scroll (+Mineral Collection)

Scroll (+Mineral Collection)

Category: Specialty Items


Reference Link:

A scroll of collective magic.

Obtained: Metal Elemental Pack

Use: Apply to an equipment piece via an admin request. Equipment must have a free slot. Attach both the equipment and the scroll in consumables.

Effect: Adds the boost Mineral Collection to the equipment.

Use as Emote
Chimera Scroll

Chimera Scroll

Category: Specialty Items


A scroll containing a gene editing spell.

Obtained: Boss Drop

Effect: Allows you to change one physical trait or marking to another. See the following rules for more info:
- Cannot affect skills or boosts.
Cannot remove traits/markings.
- Can affect the base coat.
Can affect the energy type.
- Can change to a trait/marking of higher rarity (Just not non unique to unique).
- Can affect Unique traits/markings.
- Can change a mutation to another category of mutation. (Beard to Belly, Leg to Wing, etc)
- Can only change regular traits to the same category of regular trait. (Ears to Ears, Whiskers to Whiskers, Mane to Mane, etc)
- Can only affect one trait per item.

Use as Emote
Scroll (+Death's Curse)

Scroll (+Death's Curse)

Category: Specialty Items


Reference Link:

A scroll of lethal magic.

Obtained: Dark Elemental Pack

Use: Apply to an equipment piece via an admin request. Equipment must have a free slot. Attach both the equipment and the scroll in consumables.

Effect: Adds the boost Death's Curse to the equipment.

Use as Emote
Scroll (+Color Chance)

Scroll (+Color Chance)

Category: Specialty Items


Reference Link:

A scroll of variegated magic.

Obtained: Rainbow Elemental Pack

Use: Apply to an equipment piece via an admin request. Equipment must have a free slot. Attach both the equipment and the scroll in consumables.

Effect: Adds the boost Color Chance to the equipment.

Use as Emote
Scroll of Imprints

Scroll of Imprints

Category: Specialty Items


A scroll that saves genetic information on it.

Obtained: Events; Treasure Chests/Loot Bags

Effect: Saves any amount of information from a Kiji's geno, in which can then be added onto another Kiji or used in crafting with other traits to make essentially a full custom geno.


Purchaseable At:

Use as Emote
Scroll (+Battery Pack)

Scroll (+Battery Pack)

Category: Specialty Items


Reference Link:

A scroll of resilient magic.

Obtained: Lightning Elemental Pack

Use: Apply to an equipment piece via an admin request. Equipment must have a free slot. Attach both the equipment and the scroll in consumables.

Effect: Adds the boost Battery Pack to the equipment.

Use as Emote
Custom Den Background

Custom Den Background

Category: Specialty Items

Allows for a den to have a custom background. Please submit den backgrounds you wish to apply in an admin request (Please use URL to the full resolution image). Make sure to apply this item in the consumables as well.

Images must be 3000x2500 in size and must be fully colored and accurate to the den. Must pass a quality check.
You may commission the background, but the item and submission must come from the den leader.

Use as Emote
Auction House Coupon

Auction House Coupon

Category: Specialty Items


Allows you to get items in the Auction House for their actual price. You can get three of these a week for free in Gaia's Giveaways. They expire when Tatsu's AH is restocked.


Purchaseable At:

Use as Emote
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