
Short Back Fur (Kiji)

Short Back Fur (Kiji)

Rarity: Uncommon
Category: Back
Species: Kijikaiaku

Shorter fur trailing along the back.

Custom Trait Information: Must be at least from shoulder to butt, but can be to edge of tail fur. Can be fluffier or slightly longer, or stiffer.

Short Back Fur (Sub)

Short Back Fur (Sub)

Rarity: Uncommon
Category: Back
Species: Subtalleon

Shorter fur trailing along the back.

Custom Trait Information: Must be at least from shoulder to halfway down tail, but can be to edge of tail fin. Can be fluffier or slightly longer, or stiffer.

Medium Back Fur (Kiji)

Medium Back Fur (Kiji)

Rarity: Rare
Category: Back
Species: Kijikaiaku

Medium length fur trailing along the back.

Custom Trait Information: Must be at least from shoulder to butt, but can be to edge of tail fur. Can be fluffier, cannot be curly, cannot appear as short or long back fur.

Back Spikes (Kiji)

Back Spikes (Kiji)

Rarity: Rare
Category: Back
Species: Kijikaiaku

Long slightly curved spikes along the back.

Custom Trait Information: Must be at least from shoulder to butt, but can be from back of head to edge of tail fur. Can be thicker, denser, or longer, cannot be too long or straight.

Back Spikes (Sub)

Back Spikes (Sub)

Rarity: Rare
Category: Back
Species: Subtalleon

Long thin spikes along the back.

Custom Trait Information: Must be at least from shoulder to halfway down the tail, but can be from back of head to edge of tail fin. Can be straighter, denser, or longer, cannot be too long or thick.

Medium Back Fur (Sub)

Medium Back Fur (Sub)

Rarity: Legendary
Category: Back
Species: Subtalleon

Medium length fur trailing along the back.

Custom Trait Information: Must be at least from shoulder to halfway down tail, but can be to edge of tail fin. Can be fluffier, cannot be curly, cannot appear as short or long back fur.

Feathered Spine (Kiji)

Feathered Spine (Kiji)

Rarity: Rare
Category: Back
Species: Kijikaiaku

Feathers trailing along the back.

Custom Trait Information: Must be at least from shoulder to butt, but can be to edge of tail fur. Can be longer or more stylized feathers.

Feathered Spine (Sub)

Feathered Spine (Sub)

Rarity: Rare
Category: Back
Species: Subtalleon

Feathers trailing along the back.

Custom Trait Information: Must be at least from shoulder to halfway down tail, but can be to edge of tail fin. Can be longer or more stylized feathers.

Small Dorsal Fin (Kiji)

Small Dorsal Fin (Kiji)

Rarity: Rare
Category: Back
Species: Kijikaiaku

​A dorsal fin on the back resembling a whale dorsal fin.

Custom Trait Information: Can be farther down the back or more subtle. Cannot be close to the shoulders.

Small Dorsal Fin (Sub)

Small Dorsal Fin (Sub)

Rarity: Rare
Category: Back
Species: Subtalleon

​A dorsal fin on the back resembling a whale dorsal fin.

Custom Trait Information: Can be farther down the back or more subtle. Cannot be close to the shoulders.

Probing Needles (Sub)

Probing Needles (Sub)

Rarity: Unique
Category: Back
Species: Subtalleon

​Thin spikes out of the back shoulder area with balls on the ends. Drops from the Planets Universe Pack.

Custom Trait Information: Needles can be any natural metallic color, pin cap can be any color and doesn't have to be metallic. Needles can be thicker or embedded deeper. Pins can be denser or more spread out, and can vary in length. An occasional pin can stray from the back. Pins can trail down the tail.

Spine (Kiji)

Spine (Kiji)

Rarity: Rare
Category: Back
Species: Kijikaiaku

​A raised spine.

Custom Trait Information: Spine can be thicker or raised higher. Must be obvious.

Spine (Sub)

Spine (Sub)

Rarity: Rare
Category: Back
Species: Subtalleon

​A raised spine.

Custom Trait Information: Spine can be thicker or raised higher. Must be obvious. Must have flat front.

Large Dorsal Fin (Kiji)

Large Dorsal Fin (Kiji)

Rarity: Legendary
Category: Back
Species: Kijikaiaku

​A large dorsal fin like those on fish.

Custom Trait Information: Can be slightly tattered, can be sharper or larger, cannot appear like a whale fin.

Large Dorsal Fin (Sub)

Large Dorsal Fin (Sub)

Rarity: Rare
Category: Back
Species: Subtalleon

​A large dorsal fin like those on fish.

Custom Trait Information: Can be slightly tattered, can be sharper or larger, cannot appear like a whale fin.

Plated Spine (Kiji)

Plated Spine (Kiji)

Rarity: Legendary
Category: Back
Species: Kijikaiaku

Large plates akin to stegosaurus plates.

Custom Trait Information: Must be vaguely diamond shaped, can be smaller, can start just past the shoulders. Cannot go past the start of the tail. Must alternate positions down the back (Cannot be symmetrical).

Plated Spine (Sub)

Plated Spine (Sub)

Rarity: Legendary
Category: Back
Species: Subtalleon

Large plates akin to stegosaurus plates.

Custom Trait Information: Must be vaguely diamond shaped, can be smaller or larger, can start just past the shoulders or vary in size. Cannot go past the halfway point of the tail. Cannot have spines curved or touching.

Sail (Kiji)

Sail (Kiji)

Rarity: Legendary
Category: Back
Species: Kijikaiaku

A large spined sail.

Custom Trait Information: More or less spikes, or no spikes. Must have ridged edge.

Sail (Sub)

Sail (Sub)

Rarity: Rare
Category: Back
Species: Subtalleon

A large thick sail.

Custom Trait Information: Cannot have spikes, ridges can be more obvious.

Kelpie Spine (Kiji)

Kelpie Spine (Kiji)

Rarity: Unique
Category: Back
Species: Kijikaiaku

A flowy sail-like spine.

Custom Trait Information: Thicker bits can be more blended into the body or stiffer/thinner, but must remain thinner in the mid section. Webbing can be tattered.

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