
Marbled (C)

Rarity: Common
Category: Markings
Species: Centaurian

Varigated markings resembling marbled marking on horses or cats. Can be varying colors that compliment the coat.


Rarity: Legendary
Category: Markings

Info:  Small or large circular splotches with a border. The splotches can be merged together.

Toggle Guide
Marking Rules/Overview

Tier: Tier 4
Border darker than and natural to the base, inner any color lighter than the base
Tones: Single color for border, can have gradient for inner
Shape: Circular blobs

Holes: Holes-No Tapering: Tapering-Yes Breaks: Breaks-Yes

Symmetry: Symmetry-YesAsymmetry-Yes Nuances: Nuances-Yes

Edges: Hard-Edge-YesSoft-Edges-No   Blended-Edges-No  Gradient-Edges-No Textured-Edges-No  Mixed-Edges-No

Ranges and Coverage
Full Allowed
Tally Full Allowed

Wing Ranges

Full Allowed-Feathered
Full Allowed-Leather

Horns: Marbled cannot touch the horns.

Beard: Marbled can touch the beard.

Back: Marbled can touch the back.

Belly: Marbled can touch the belly.

Leg Fur: Marbled can touch leg fur.

Body Protrusions: Marbled can touch certain protrusions.

Fins: Marbled can touch the fins.

Examples and Common Mistakes
Good Examples
The entirety of the inside must be filled.
Tapering must be the same color as the border.

Common Mistakes
Marbled Bad 1
Gradients must come from the center of each blob.
Cannot be single circles spread apart and must have some blobbage.
See it in Action
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