

Rarity: Unique
Category: Markings

Info:  Mummified is a unique marking that resembles the shadow of body wrappings. They create one-sided shaded bands along the spirit's body.

Toggle Guide
Marking Rules/Overview

Tier: Tier 2 or 5
Color: Darker than the base (if Tier 5) or on a darker filter such as overlay, multiply, or color dodge (if Tier 2)
Tones: Single tone
Shape: Must be a band, one side hard edged, the other soft or blended.

Holes: Holes-No Tapering: Tapering-No Breaks: Breaks-No

Symmetry: Symmetry-YesAsymmetry-Yes Nuances: Nuances-No

Edges: Hard-Edge-Yes  Soft-Edges-No  Blended-Edges-Yes   Gradient-Edges-NoTextured-Edges-NoMixed-Edges-Must

Please note: Mummified has a unique optional interaction with Songbird and Smokey. Please see the Marking Interaction Guide for more info.

Ranges and Coverage
Full Allowed
Tally Full Allowed

Wing Ranges

Full Allowed-Feathered
Full Allowed-Leather

Horns: Mummified can touch the horns.

Beard: Mummified can touch the beard.

Back: Mummified can touch the back.

Belly: Mummified can touch the belly.

Leg Fur: Mummified can touch leg fur.

Body Protrusions: Mummified can touch certain protrusions.

Fins: Mummified can touch the fins.

Examples and Common Mistakes
Good Examples
If Tier 2 and over a marking, should not be so dark as to completely obscure the marking(s) below.
Mummified can be fairly thick and sparse.
Mummified can be dense.
Mummified can swap directions of the blended/hard edges on different stripes as long as they don't blend together too much.

Common Mistakes
Marking is allowed to be either Tier 2 or Tier 5, but not both.
You can't use a filter that makes this marking lighter than what's underneath.
See it in Action
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