

Rarity: Common
Category: Markings

Info:  Maned is a common, solid marking that shows off the longer furred areas of your kiji with a different color. On tallies, this can cover half or all of the mane, as well as the longer furred traits if they have them. You need Cut Energy to put Maned on the wings and tail fin.

Toggle Guide
Marking Rules/Overview

Tier: Tier 4
Color: Any color of any base of same or lower rarity
Tones: Can be different colored in separate ranges
Shape: Natural

Holes: Holes-No Tapering: Tapering-No Breaks: Breaks-No

Symmetry: Symmetry-YesAsymmetry-No Nuances: Nuances-No

Edges: Hard-Edge-YesSoft-Edges-No   Blended-Edges-No  Gradient-Edges-No Textured-Edges-YesMixed-Edges-No

Please note: Maned has a unique optional interaction with Pigeon and Ombre. Please see the Marking Interaction Guide for more info.

Ranges and Coverage
Kiji Range
Tally Range

Wings: Maned cannot touch the wings.

Horns: Maned cannot touch the horns.

Beard: Maned can touch the beard.

Back: Maned can touch the back.

Belly: Maned can touch the belly.

Leg Fur: Maned can touch leg fur.

Body Protrusions: Maned can touch certain protrusions.

Fins: Maned can touch the fins.

Examples and Common Mistakes
Good Examples
Maned does not have to be on the tail, nor does it have to appear in the entirety.
Maned can be different colors for every range, though each must follow the marking rules.

Common Mistakes
The underbelly fur and back fur must be the same color as the mane color and affected by the same marking modifiers.
Leg furs must all be the same, no different colors per legs.
See it in Action
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