
Moon-Kissed (Kiji)

Rarity: Rare
Category: Boosts
Species: Kijikaiaku

Moon-Kissed is a stat boost that affects the luck of the Kijikaiaku in artwork of it if it is nighttime, and also decreases luck during daytime.

Tier 1
+15 Luck in artwork depicting nighttime, and -5 Luck during daytime.

Tier 2
In artwork depicting nighttime, +20 Luck, and -10 Luck during daytime.

Tier 3
In artwork depicting nighttime, +20 Luck, plus doubles most individual items found, and -10 Luck during daytime.


Rarity: Rare
Category: Boosts

Upgrade is a stat boost that effects the Stat Rate of the character. 

Tier I
Doubles the increase of Perma Stats via levelling. Decreases stat gain from Training by 1 point.

Tier II
2.5 times Increase of stats for rebirths. Does not Stack with Tier 1. Decreases stat gain from Training by 1 point.

Tier III
2.5 times Increase of stats for rebirths, Doubles the increase of Perma Stats via levelling, and double experience. Decreases stat gain from Training by 2 points.

Tier IV
3 times Increase of stats for rebirths, Doubles the increase of Perma Stats via levelling, and 2.5x experience. Decreases stat gain from Training by 2 points.


Rarity: Rare
Category: Boosts

Silvery is a stat boost that adds stats based on the equipment on the character that you show on the design.

Tier I
+2 Random Stat if wearing equipment that shows on the design.

Tier II
All equipment that shows on the design adds +1 Random Stat each.

Tier III
All equipment that shows on the design adds +2 Random Stat each.

Golden (Boost)

Rarity: Rare
Category: Boosts

Golden is a stat boost that adds the chance of finding more items depending on the equipment of the character, as well as drawing enemy attention. Negates the boost Headless.

Tier I
33% chance of finding an extra item per equipment worn. Additionally, a 10% chance to take a hit for an ally.

Tier II
In addition to a 33% chance of finding an extra item per equipment worn, a 33% chance of doubling a random item per equipment worn. Additionally, a 15% chance to take a hit for an ally.

Tier III
Doubles all found items and increases the chance of rare items by increasing the total luck of the roll if wearing equipment. Does not stack with Lucky III. Additionally, a 20% chance to take a hit for an ally.


Rarity: Rare
Category: Boosts

Ultra-Violet is a stat boost that adds resistance and radiation to the character.

Tier I
Adds a 20% chance of resisting Bleeding as well as putting a Radiation effect on everyone else in the image. Lowers Radiation effect on spirit by a tier.

Tier II
Adds a 50% chance of resisting bleeding and 20% chance of resisting confusion, as well as putting a large Radiation effect on everyone else in the image. Lowers Radiation effect on spirit by two tiers.

Tier III
Adds a 75% chance to resisting bleeding and 50% chance of resisting confusion, as well as putting a max Radiation effect on everyone else in the image. Resists Radiation effect on spirit.

Stat Indicator

Rarity: Rare
Category: Boosts

Displays 25% of the enemies's stats and/or boosts, as well as dungeon spawnrate.

Cloning Technique

Rarity: Rare
Category: Boosts

Allows recessive traits to pass in summoning.

Tier I
Recessive traits have the same chance to pass as Occult traits.

Tier II
Recessive traits have the same chance to pass as Dominant traits.


Rarity: Rare
Category: Boosts

Your character is unaffected by most stat boosts that impact things other than your ability to find more items, in return all effects are doubled. Does not affect boosts outside of art.

Greed will double the following boosts:

  • Sun/Moon-Kissed (Only Tier 3)
  • Lucky (Only Tier 3)
  • Fisherman
  • Keen Eye
  • Kindred
  • Golden
  • The North Star
  • Mineral Collection
  • The Same Difference

Greed will negate the following boosts:

  • Warrior (Unless Pride is present)
  • Runner (Unless Pride is present)
  • Catty (Unless Pride is present)
  • Core-Blessed (Unless Pride is present)
  • Star-Blessed (Unless Pride is present)
  • Effect Boosts
  • Enhanced Bleeding
  • Stoneskin (Unless Pride is present)
  • Resist Boosts
  • Boss Dominator (Unless Pride is present)
  • Magical Energy (Unless Pride is present)
  • Counter Control (Unless Pride is present)
  • Instant War (Unless Pride is present)
  • Waning Boosts
  • Silvery (Unless Pride is present)
  • Lust (Unless Pride is present)
  • Wrath (Unless Pride is present)
  • Gluttony
  • Chastity (Unless Pride is present)
  • Lovely (Unless Pride is present)
  • Instant Famine (Unless Pride is present)
  • Instant Pest
  • Instant Death (Unless Pride is present)
  • Negate Boosts
  • Weak Boosts
  • Naughty or Nice (Unless Pride is present)
  • Solar Flare (Unless Pride is present)
  • Intimidation
  • Thorns (Unless Pride is present)
  • Invisibility Spell
  • Life's Blessing
  • Death's Curse (Unless Pride is present)
  • Planet Breaker (Unless Pride is present)


Rarity: Rare
Category: Boosts

A 50% chance to have an equal chance to find anything that can drop on any roll. Does not impact location specifics for Cove.


Rarity: Rare
Category: Boosts

Adds 10 Charisma and decreases 10 attack.


Rarity: Rare
Category: Boosts

Negates the part of boosts that lower stats by a difinitive number (NOT a percentage!). Diligence won't stop familiars or items being applied that reduce stats, and won't effect corruption. Diligence will also not effect boots from opponants that effect your stats, such as if you incur waning or bleeding.

Diligence will also not negate the following boosts: Weak Boosts, Negate Boosts, Greed, Pride, Gluttony, Instant Famine, You Shall Not Pass.

Diligence also negates Sloth.


Rarity: Rare
Category: Boosts

Increases other Kiji's drop rates by 1. Lowers attack by 25%.


Rarity: Rare
Category: Boosts

Shares up to 8 random on-geno boosts with others in the image; this is rolled and applied to everyone once per image, not per character. 5% chance to effect enemies as well. Does not affect blanketed boosts or most summoning specific boosts or boosts that affect things outside of art/lit rolls.


Rarity: Rare
Category: Boosts

Decrease charisma by 20 & adds 10 stamina & luck.


Rarity: Rare
Category: Boosts

All stats except speed are brought down 25%, but most boosts do twice the effect.


Rarity: Rare
Category: Boosts

Adds 20 Charisma but reduces all other stats except Luck and Health by 10.


Rarity: Rare
Category: Boosts

Your character is unaffected by most stat boosts except those that increase stats, but in turn their effects are doubled. Does not affect corruption.

Pride will double the following boosts:

  • Sun/Moon-Kissed (Just the stat increasing)
  • Warrior
  • Lucky
  • Runner
  • Catty
  • Core-Blessed
  • Star-Blessed
  • Stoneskin
  • Magical Energy (Just the stat increasing)
  • Upgrade
  • Lust (Just the stat increasing)
  • Chastity (Just the stat increasing)
  • Lovely (Just the stat increasing)
  • Silvery
  • Mercury (Just the stat increasing)
  • Instant War
  • Night's Reflection
  • Snowey Embrace
  • Fall's Spring
  • Naughty or Nice
  • Prestige

Pride will negate the following boosts:

  • Sun/Moon-Kissed (Just the doubling of loot, unless Greed is present)
  • Fisherman (Unless Greed is Present)
  • Explorer
  • Elemental
  • Effect Boosts
  • Counter Control
  • Keen Eye (Unless Greed is Present)
  • Mutation Removal
  • You Shall Not Pass
  • Sloth
  • Kindred (Unless Greed is Present)
  • Moderation
  • Waning Boosts
  • Golden (Unless Greed is Present)
  • Instant Pest
  • Negate Boosts
  • Weak Boosts
  • The North Star (Unless Greed is Present)
  • Life's Blessing
  • Mineral Collection (Unless Greed is Present)
  • The Same Difference (Unless Greed is Present)
  • Intimidation


Rarity: Rare
Category: Boosts

CRIT is 80% chance, but all stats are lowered by 10%.


Rarity: Rare
Category: Boosts

Can only find 1 drop per roll, ignoring other loot increasing boosts, however all cooldowns are halved.
Overrides and cancells Greed.
Does not impact dungeon rolls outside of boosts, and actually doubles rewards on floors you decide to stay on instead of continuing on while preventing being knocked back a floor. Will not double rewards on floors you're forced to stay on.


Rarity: Rare
Category: Boosts

Your character gains the boosts in others' genos in art and literature. Unable to copy Charity.

247 results found.