
Short Furred Circle Ends

Short Furred Circle Ends

Rarity: Common
Category: Whisker Ends
Species: Kijikaiaku

Circular shaped ends.

Custom Trait Information: Can be more circular or more oval. Can be egg shaped. Cannot be tear drop shaped. Can adjust the size of the end. Fur can have slight curls. Fur must come off of edge away from whisker joint.

Short Furred Diamond Ends

Short Furred Diamond Ends

Rarity: Common
Category: Whisker Ends
Species: Kijikaiaku

Diamond shaped ends.

Custom Trait Information: Must remain diamond shaped, but can be thinner or fatter. Cannot appear like Fang Ends. Can adjust the size of the end. Fur can have slight curls. Fur must come off of edge away from whisker joint.

Short Tailed Bottom Wings

Short Tailed Bottom Wings

Rarity: Common
Category: Bottom Wings
Species: Subtalleon

A tear shaped bottom wing that comes to a curved and rounded off point.

Custom Trait Information: Tail can be pointed more up or down. Cannot come to a point, must be rounded.

Pointed Bottom Wings

Pointed Bottom Wings

Rarity: Common
Category: Bottom Wings
Species: Subtalleon

A tear or diamond shaped bottom wing that comes to a point.

Custom Trait Information: Point cannot be rounded and must be sharp. Sides can be rounded or pointed.

Ridged Bottom Wings

Ridged Bottom Wings

Rarity: Common
Category: Bottom Wings
Species: Subtalleon

A rounded bottom wing where the edge is choppy and ridged.

Custom Trait Information: Cannot appear like Spiney or Spiked Bottom Wings. Ridges can be suble or denser. Cannot be too rounded or shaped.

Rounded Bottom Wings

Rounded Bottom Wings

Rarity: Common
Category: Bottom Wings
Species: Subtalleon

A rounded bottom wing.

Custom Trait Information: Can be more circular or more oval, but must be rounded.

Tiny Short Tailed Bottom Wings

Tiny Short Tailed Bottom Wings

Rarity: Common
Category: Bottom Wings
Species: Subtalleon

A tear shaped bottom wing that comes to a curved and rounded off point.

Custom Trait Information: Tail can be pointed more up or down. Cannot come to a point, must be rounded. Must be abnormally small.

Tiny Pointed Bottom Wings

Tiny Pointed Bottom Wings

Rarity: Common
Category: Bottom Wings
Species: Subtalleon

A tear or diamond shaped bottom wing that comes to a point.

Custom Trait Information: Point cannot be rounded and must be sharp. Sides can be rounded or pointed. Must be abnormally small.

Tiny Ridged Bottom Wings

Tiny Ridged Bottom Wings

Rarity: Common
Category: Bottom Wings
Species: Subtalleon

A rounded bottom wing where the edge is choppy and ridged.

Custom Trait Information: Cannot appear like Spiney or Spiked Bottom Wings. Ridges can be suble or denser. Cannot be too rounded or shaped. Must be abnormally small.

Tiny Rounded Bottom Wings

Tiny Rounded Bottom Wings

Rarity: Common
Category: Bottom Wings
Species: Subtalleon

A rounded bottom wing.

Custom Trait Information: Can be more circular or more oval, but must be rounded. Must be abnormally small.

Finned Cheeks

Finned Cheeks

Rarity: Common
Category: Cheeks
Species: Subtalleon

Shorter finned cheeks with spikes between the fins.

Custom Trait Information: Fin parts can be more dipped, Spikes can be removed or blended in more. Tattering allowed.

Short Cheeks (Sub)

Short Cheeks (Sub)

Rarity: Common
Category: Cheeks
Species: Subtalleon

​Incredibly short fur on the cheeks.

Custom Trait Information: Can appear as stubble.

Shaved Cheeks

Shaved Cheeks

Rarity: Common
Category: Cheeks
Species: Subtalleon

Cheeks with no fur.

Custom Trait Information: No fur allowed. Can add subtle ridging along the edge.

Wolf Cheeks

Wolf Cheeks

Rarity: Common
Category: Cheeks
Species: Kijikaiaku

Regular cheek fur facing out.

Custom Trait Information: Must come together in the center, cannot resemble Fox, Short, or Lynx Cheeks.

Short Cheeks (Kiji)

Short Cheeks (Kiji)

Rarity: Common
Category: Cheeks
Species: Kijikaiaku

​Incredibly short fur on the cheeks.

Custom Trait Information: Can appear as stubble.

Fox Cheeks (Kiji)

Fox Cheeks (Kiji)

Rarity: Common
Category: Cheeks
Species: Kijikaiaku

Regular cheek fur facing back.

Custom Trait Information: Must face backwards, must be triangular shaped.

Ridged Mane

Ridged Mane

Rarity: Common
Category: Mane
Species: Subtalleon

A raised edge along the back of the neck with gentle ridging along it.

Custom Trait Information: Ridges can be more raised, can be smaller or slightly taller.

Finned Mane

Finned Mane

Rarity: Common
Category: Mane
Species: Subtalleon

A webbed mane along the back of the neck with spikes.

Custom Trait Information: Spikes required. Can be tattered. Can have more shaped spikes and fins. Can have fewer or more spikes.

Short Mane (Kiji)

Short Mane (Kiji)

Rarity: Common
Category: Mane
Species: Kijikaiaku

A short mane.

Custom Trait Information: Can be any short style, cannot appear like Medium Mane.

Medium Mane

Medium Mane

Rarity: Common
Category: Mane
Species: Kijikaiaku

​A regular-length mane.

Custom Trait Information: Cannot resemble short or long. Cannot appear like fluffy or layered. Cannot go past the shoulder.

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