
Tentacles (Sub)

Tentacles (Sub)

Rarity: Unique
Category: Body
Species: Subtalleon

Tendrils coming off the Tally.

Custom Trait Information: Can have suckers, must come out of the body. Can be fewer or denser, longer or shorter, thicker or thinner. Cannot dominate and hide the design.


Rarity: Unique
Category: Body
Species: Subtalleon

Coral embedded and growing on the Tally's body.

Custom Trait Information: Can be any type of irl coral, can be larger or smaller, must come off a large portion of the body.


Rarity: Unique
Category: Body
Species: Subtalleon

A smooth, leathery shell that saddles the back of the Tally.

Custom Trait Information: Must clearly connect to the body, underside connecting bit is required. Can be stylized, hexigonal shapes allowed and not required. Cannot be a thick shell.

Solar Guard (Kiji)

Solar Guard (Kiji)

Rarity: Unique
Category: Body
Species: Kijikaiaku

Circular ring around the stomach with spikes going into the skin. Drops from the Sun Universe Pack.

Custom Trait Information: Can have more than the one spike coming out, but shouldn't be overwhelming. Can have more spikes along the outside as well. Must have floating, glowing orb in top center.

Cyborg System (Kiji)

Cyborg System (Kiji)

Rarity: Unique
Category: Body
Species: Kijikaiaku

Parts of the Kiji are metallic-looking, resembling it being half metal. Circuitry optional. Drops from the Metal Elemental Pack.

Custom Trait Information: Cannot cover the entire body to turn it into a robot and must retain at least some organic parts. Likewise, cannot be in only one small area either, and must cover at minimum 10% of the body (Or two ranges on the body percentage guide).

Neon Painted Blood (Kiji)

Neon Painted Blood (Kiji)

Rarity: Unique
Category: Body
Species: Kijikaiaku

Rainbow-colored goopy blood pouring out of small cuts. Drops from the Rainbow Elemental Pack.

Custom Trait Information: Must be multi colored, at minimum primary colors. Can be pastel rainbow or dark rainbow. Musr be opaque.

Stone Armor (Kiji)

Stone Armor (Kiji)

Rarity: Unique
Category: Body
Species: Kijikaiaku

Hard stones that cover the body on certain parts as armor. Drops from the Earth Elemental Pack.

Custom Trait Information: Doesn't have to cover the entirety of the body. Must appear as some kind of armor. Can be any organic shapes. Can be any natural rock color and texture, but cannot have metal, ores, or gems in it. Can be bigger, smaller, thicker, thinner, cannot be spikey.

Reaper's Cloak (Kiji)

Reaper's Cloak (Kiji)

Rarity: Unique
Category: Body
Species: Kijikaiaku

A black cloak that leaves a shadow trail. Drops from the Dark Elemental Pack.

Custom Trait Information: Must have holes and/or tatters, but can be longer. Must come out of skin or blend into fur. Can be any shade of dark grey or black. Can have more shadowy smoke, smoke must be black. Cannot come off legs or tail, cloak itself must float and cannot drape over body tightly.

False Limbs (Kiji)

False Limbs (Kiji)

Rarity: Unique
Category: Body
Species: Kijikaiaku

A couple of arm-like protrusions that don't function for much of anything, except to throw others off.

Custom Trait Information: Cannot have muscle or bone, must appear floppy and listless. Can hold an item. Must be on the neck close to the arms.

Zombify (Sub)

Rarity: Unique
Category: Body
Species: Subtalleon

Parts can be missing/boney.

Custom Trait Information: Cannot be simple stitches. Can show bone, can have missing limbs or chunks of skin missing. Cannot be a full skeleton or put into position where they are unable to function and must retain at least some regular parts. Likewise, cannot be in only one small area either, and must cover at minimum 10% of the body (Or two ranges on the body percentage guide).

Ghostly (Sub)

Ghostly (Sub)

Rarity: Unique
Category: Body
Species: Subtalleon

Parts or all of the body is transparent.

Custom Trait Information: Can be restricted to traits, effect in patches, or effect the body as a whole.

Snow Blanket (Kiji)

Snow Blanket (Kiji)

Rarity: Unique
Category: Body
Species: Kijikaiaku

Never melting snow laying on top of the Kiji. Drops from the Ice Elemental Pack.

Custom Trait Information: Can be any natural snow color. Cannot be yellow snow. Can only appear on the overside of the body. Can appear drippy or melting. Cannot have ice. Must be thicker snow. Cannot cover the whole design.

Floofle Coat

Floofle Coat

Rarity: Unique
Category: Body
Species: Kijikaiaku

A large, heavy, fullbody floofy coat of fur. From the April Fools of 2022.

Custom Trait Information: Fur must cover the whole body, it must be poofy and fluffy. Cannot be silky. Must be long, can have slight curls to it. Must cover the face, but can be stylized to not fully cover the eyes.

Moonlight Drifter (Kiji)

Moonlight Drifter (Kiji)

Rarity: Unique
Category: Body
Species: Kijikaiaku

Transparent light trails behind in strands off of the Kiji like water. Drops from the Moon Universe Pack.

Custom Trait Information: Must be a light semi-transparent blueish or whitish color, can trail off any part of the body in any direction but MUST come off any parts in motion. Can appear more as a wavy motion blur trail or smoke.

Extra Arms (Kiji)

Extra Arms (Kiji)

Rarity: Unique
Category: Body
Species: Kijikaiaku

An extra pair of arms.

Custom Trait Information: Must be similar to regular arms but can be in different pose. Can be closer or apart from the regular legs.

Kelpie Points (Kiji)

Kelpie Points (Kiji)

Rarity: Unique
Category: Body
Species: Kijikaiaku

Fin-like growths along the points of the spirit's body with trailing ends.

Custom Trait Information: Thicker bits can be more blended into the body or stiffer/thinner/floppier, but must remain thinner in the mid section. Webbing can be tattered, but must remain minimal.

Dodomeki Eyes (Kiji)

Dodomeki Eyes (Kiji)

Rarity: Unique
Category: Body
Species: Kijikaiaku

Eyes all over the Kiji.

Custom Trait Information: Can be large or small eyes or a combination. Eyebrows optional. Lightening/Darkening can effect them. Can be in groups or patches or spread out but must be over the majority of the body.

Second Head (Kiji)

Second Head (Kiji)

Rarity: Unique
Category: Body
Species: Kijikaiaku

A second head.

Custom Trait Information: Can edit the poses of both heads. Does not have to be the same angle or expression. Can have the same or different traits or markings, as long as one or the other head shows the markings and they're legal. (For example if the geno has Masked, only one head has to have masked, but if both have it it has to be legal on both. Likewise if they have Unicorn Horn only one head has to have the horn, but both can too.) Neck lengths have to be about the same width and length, and the regular traits have to be the same (Unless spliced).

Heavenly Body (Kiji)

Heavenly Body (Kiji)

Rarity: Unique
Category: Body
Species: Kijikaiaku

Makes the Kiji's body a galaxy pattern, hiding all markings underneath. Drops from the Stars Universe Pack.

Custom Trait Information: Can be any color(s). Lineart must be lighter than the body. Must have galactic look to it and stars. Can have shooting stars or suns. Covers all markings. Ignores contours.



Rarity: Unique
Category: Body

Adds a geno of the other spirit species as a spliced half based on luck of the spirit being applied to. Cannot be a merged splice, must be a shapeshift type.

Adds a randomly rolled geno based on spirit’s luck if the spirit is a random geno or a summon, however if applied during a summoning it’ll use the highest summoner’s luck instead.
If applied to a semi-custom, the geno that results will be random based on the rarity of traits chosen for the base geno, or if the user wishes they could define the traits but that’ll cost extra.
Full customs will allow you to choose all the traits.

370 results found.