

Rarity: Common
Category: Markings

Info:  Tips is a common marking that colors the tips of the body.

Toggle Guide
Marking Rules/Overview

Tier: Tier 2
Color: Any color natural to the base
Tones: Single color
Shape: Natural

Holes: Holes-No Tapering: Tapering-No Breaks: Breaks-No

Symmetry: Symmetry-YesAsymmetry-Yes Nuances: Nuances-No

Edges: Hard-Edge-Yes Soft-Edges-Yes  Blended-Edges-NoGradient-Edges-No Textured-Edges-No  Mixed-Edges-No

Ranges and Coverage
Kiji Range
Tally Range

Wing Ranges


Horns: Tips can touch the horns.

Beard: Tips can touch the beard.

Back: Tips cannot touch the back.

Belly: Tips cannot touch the belly.

Leg Fur: Tips cannot touch leg fur.

Body Protrusions: Tips can touch certain protrusions.

Fins: Tips can touch the fins.

Examples and Common Mistakes
Good Examples
Tips only need to be in one spot to count.
Can only be on the whisker end itself if there is no fur, otherwise it restricts to the fur.

Common Mistakes
Tips must all be the same color and cannot be different colors in different locations.
Tips cannot be soft edged in some parts and hard edged in others.
See it in Action


Rarity: Common
Category: Markings

Info:  Underbelly is a common mid marking that trails on the underside of the body.

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Marking Rules/Overview

Tier: Tier 3
Color: Any color natural to the base
Tones: Single color
Shape: Natural

Holes: Holes-No Tapering: Tapering-No Breaks: Breaks-No

Symmetry: Symmetry-YesAsymmetry-No Nuances: Nuances-No

Edges: Hard-Edge-Yes Soft-Edges-Yes   Blended-Edges-No  Gradient-Edges-No Textured-Edges-YesMixed-Edges-No

Ranges and Coverage
Kiji Range
Tally Range

Wings: Underbelly cannot touch the wings.

Horns: Underbelly cannot touch the horns.

Beard: Underbelly cannot touch the beard.

Back: Underbelly cannot touch the back.

Belly: Underbelly must touch the belly.

Leg Fur: Underbelly cannot touch leg fur.

Body Protrusions: Underbelly cannot touch certain protrusions.

Fins: Underbelly can touch the fins if in area.

Examples and Common Mistakes
Good Examples
If Underbelly is on the sides (Like a V, Y, or X shape) it must have one end open ended and cannot have it connect in multiple spots.
Underbelly can have slight variences in width.

Common Mistakes
Underbelly may not have any drastic dips.
Underbelly cannot be too far down the inner legs, even with Flicker.
See it in Action


Rarity: Common
Category: Markings

Info:  Lightening is a free marking which lightens areas just a bit. It can be used for ear insides, paw pads, around eyes and mouth, etc.

Toggle Guide
Marking Rules/Overview

Tier: Tier 1
Color: Lighter than but the same hue as the base
Tones: Single color
Shape: Natural

Holes: Holes-No Tapering: Tapering-No Breaks: Breaks-Yes

Symmetry: Symmetry-YesAsymmetry-Yes Nuances: Nuances-Yes

Edges: Hard-Edge-YesSoft-Edges-No   Blended-Edges-No  Gradient-Edges-No Textured-Edges-No  Mixed-Edges-No

Ranges and Coverage
Kiji Range
Tally Range

Wings: Lightening cannot touch the wings.

Horns: Lightening cannot touch the horns.

Beard: Lightening cannot touch the beard.

Back: Lightening cannot touch the back.

Belly: Lightening cannot touch the belly.

Leg Fur: Lightening cannot touch leg fur.

Body Protrusions: Lightening cannot touch certain protrusions.

Fins: Lightening cannot touch the fins.

Examples and Common Mistakes
Good Examples
Can be white.
Nuances must still be similar hue.

Common Mistakes
Must be the similar hue as the base. Cannot be yellow or orange if the base is Crimson, etc.
Lightening should be subtle and not too obvious.
See it in Action

Appaloosa (C)

Rarity: Common
Category: Markings
Species: Centaurian

A spotty marking generally the same or darker than the base that mimics appaloosa markings on horses, often with a white border or blanket underneith.

Moon-Kissed (Sub)

Rarity: Common
Category: Boosts
Species: Subtalleon

Moon-Kissed is a stat boost that affects the luck of the Subtalleon in artwork of it if it is nighttime, and also decreases luck during daytime.

Tier 1
+15 Luck in artwork depicting nighttime, and -5 Luck during daytime.

Tier 2
In artwork depicting nighttime, +20 Luck, and -10 Luck during daytime.

Tier 3
In artwork depicting nighttime, +20 Luck, plus doubles most individual items found, and -10 Luck during daytime.


Rarity: Common
Category: Boosts

Adds a 20% chance for any opponent to be soaked.

Tier 2-4 adds 20% chance increase each time for a max of 80%.
This can be stacked.


Rarity: Common
Category: Boosts

Adds a 20% chance for any opponent to be winded.

Tier 2-4 adds 20% chance increase each time for a max of 80%.
This can be stacked.

Sun-Kissed (Kiji)

Rarity: Common
Category: Boosts
Species: Kijikaiaku

Sun-Kissed is a stat boost that affects the luck of the Kijikaiaku in artwork of it if it is daytime, and also decreases luck during nighttime.

Tier 1
+15 Luck in artwork depicting daytime, and -5 Luck during nighttime.

Tier 2
In artwork depicting daytime, +20 Luck, and -10 Luck during nighttime.

Tier 3
In artwork depicting daytime, +20 Luck, plus doubles most individual items found, and -10 Luck during nighttime.


Rarity: Common
Category: Boosts

Warrior is a stat boost that affects the attack and defense of the character. Doubles Trash mobs in dungeons.

Tier 1
+2 Attack.

Tier 2
+5 Attack, +2 Defense, and extra EXP from PVP and battle submissions.

Tier 3
+8 Attack, +5 Defense, and double EXP from PVP and battle submissions.


Rarity: Common
Category: Boosts

Lucky is a stat boost that affects the luck of the character, and changes Common boosts to Uncommon during enchanting.

Tier 1
+2 Luck.

Tier 2
+5 Luck and increased chance of finding rare items.

Tier 3
+10 luck and double individual item drop. Does not stack with Golden III.


Rarity: Common
Category: Boosts

Runner is a stat boost that affects the speed and stamina of the character, but lowers the quality of items gotten.

Tier 1
+2 Speed, -5 Item drop luck.

Tier 2
+5 Speed, +2 Stamina, and double EXP from race submissions. -10 Item drop luck.

Tier 3
+8 Speed, +5 Stamina, and double EXP and +5 Luck from race submissions. -15 Item drop luck.

You Shall Not Pass

Rarity: Common
Category: Boosts

1 random passable trait will not pass to summons, while all other traits/boosts not effected have an extra chance to pass.

Tier 2-4 increases that number by 1 per tier and gives an extra chance for uneffected traits/boosts each time.

Tier 5 simply gives a 10% chance each to block on all that can pass and a total of 5x the chance to pass everything uneffected. Can remove itself during rebirthing at Tier 5.


Rarity: Common
Category: Boosts

Adds a 20% chance for any opponent to be paralyzed.

Tier 2-4 adds 20% chance increase each time for a max of 80%.
This can be stacked.


Rarity: Common
Category: Boosts

Adds a 20% chance for any opponent to be petrified.

Tier 2-4 adds 20% chance increase each time for a max of 80%.
This can be stacked.


Rarity: Common
Category: Boosts

Adds a 20% chance for any opponent to be burned.

Tier 2-4 adds 20% chance increase each time for a max of 80%.
This can be stacked.

Stun Force

Rarity: Common
Category: Boosts

Adds a 20% chance for any opponent to be stunned.

Tier 2-4 adds 20% chance increase each time for a max of 80%.
This can be stacked.


Rarity: Common
Category: Boosts

Adds a 20% chance for any opponent to be blinded.

Tier 2-4 adds 20% chance increase each time for a max of 80%.
This can be stacked.


Rarity: Common
Category: Boosts

Adds a 20% chance for any opponent to be poisoned.

Tier 2-4 adds 20% chance increase each time for a max of 80%.
This can be stacked.


Rarity: Common
Category: Boosts

Adds a 20% chance for any opponent to be frozen.

Tier 2-4 adds 20% chance increase each time for a max of 80%.
This can be stacked.

Enhanced Bleeding

Rarity: Common
Category: Boosts

Adds a 20% chance for any opponent to incur bleeding.

Tier 2-4 adds 20% chance increase each time for a max of 80%.
This can be stacked.

241 results found.