
Scroll of Bare Backs

Scroll of Bare Backs


A scroll of uncommon magic.

Obtained: Enchanting

Use: Apply to a submission

Effect: Removes back mutations from the summon submission results.


Purchaseable At:

Use as Emote
Scroll of Simplicity

Scroll of Simplicity


A scroll of uncommon magic.

Obtained: Enchanting

Use: Apply to a submission

Effect: Removes body mutations from the summon submission results.

Use as Emote
Core Soul

Core Soul


The hanging energy of a long gone Kiji.

Obtained: Quests; Discovery Cove; Events

Use: Summoning a Kiji

Use as Emote
Scroll of Singularity

Scroll of Singularity


A scroll of uncommon magic.

Obtained: Enchanting

Use: Apply to a submission

Effect: Removes whisker mutations from the summon submission results.

Use as Emote
Twin Core Soul

Twin Core Soul


A large mass of hanging energy from multiple long gone Kiji.

Obtained: Events; Discovery Cove; Crafting

Effect: Summons two Kiji instead of the usual one.

Use as Emote
Scroll of Regularity

Scroll of Regularity


A scroll of uncommon magic.

Obtained: Enchanting

Use: Apply to a submission

Effect: Removes fin mutations from the summon submission results.

Use as Emote
Scroll of Exploration

Scroll of Exploration


A scroll of uncommon magic.

Obtained: Enchanting

Use: Apply to a submission

Effect: Shows the spirit a nearby location in Cove.


Purchaseable At:

Use as Emote
Scroll of Success

Scroll of Success


A scroll of rare magic.

Obtained: Enchanting

Use: Apply to a submission

Effect: Prevents a failure occuring during summoning without items.

Use as Emote
Scroll of the Moon

Scroll of the Moon


A scroll of rare magic.

Obtained: Enchanting

Use: Apply to a submission

Effect: Increases the rarity of items by increasing the item luck by 10 if it's night in the image.

Use as Emote
Scroll of Status

Scroll of Status


A scroll of rare magic.

Obtained: Enchanting

Use: Apply to a submission

Effect: Guarentees +6 to the stat for training.

Use as Emote
Rebirthing Essence

Rebirthing Essence

Resale Value: 800 Player Tokens


A powerful energy booster.

Obtained: Quests; Events; Elemental/Universe/Holiday Packs; Discovery Cove; Ares' Shop

Effect: Increases chances for traits and markings to change/be added during rebirthing.

Use as Emote
Scroll of Garments

Scroll of Garments


A scroll of rare magic.

Obtained: Enchanting

Use: Apply to a submission

Effect: Allows the effect of items that must be drawn/written without drawing/writing them.

Use as Emote
Scroll of Berserker

Scroll of Berserker


A scroll of rare magic.

Obtained: Enchanting

Use: Apply to a submission

Effect: Applies the Berserk status to your character.

Use as Emote
Scroll of Radiation

Scroll of Radiation


A scroll of rare magic.

Obtained: Enchanting

Use: Apply to a submission

Effect: Adds a Large Radiation effect to everyone in the submission.

Use as Emote
Treasure Map

Treasure Map


A map leading to treasure.

Obtained: Treasure Chests/Loot Bags; Discovery Cove; Message in a Bottle; Events

Effect: Guarantees a treasure chest/loot bag dropping by replacing one of the items gotten from a roll at random.


Purchaseable At:

Use as Emote
Scroll of Inspection

Scroll of Inspection


A scroll of rare magic.

Obtained: Enchanting

Use: Apply to a submission

Effect: Will share the stats and boosts of one enemy in the submission at random.

Use as Emote
Scroll of Duplication

Scroll of Duplication


A scroll of rare magic.

Obtained: Enchanting

Use: Apply to a submission

Effect: Gives traits and markings a second chance of passing in summons.

Use as Emote
Scroll of Greed

Scroll of Greed


A scroll of rare magic.

Obtained: Enchanting

Use: Apply to a submission

Effect: Steals 1 random item from each spirit in the submission. Cannot be used on commissions or trades.

Use as Emote
Scroll of Temperance

Scroll of Temperance


A scroll of rare magic.

Obtained: Enchanting

Use: Apply to a submission

Effect: Prevents this character from taking out an enemy on the first hit, and doubles the EXP gained for everyone that gets a hit off.


Purchaseable At:

Use as Emote
Scroll of Love

Scroll of Love


A scroll of rare magic.

Obtained: Enchanting

Use: Apply to a submission

Effect: Increases the chance of TBD appearing in summons.

Use as Emote
121 results found.