
Scroll of Ranchers

Scroll of Ranchers


A scroll of uncommon magic.

Obtained: Enchanting

Use: Apply to a submission

Effect: Creatures in the image besides spirits increase the EXP and PT gained by 1.25x each.

Use as Emote
Scroll of the Mage

Scroll of the Mage


A scroll of uncommon magic.

Obtained: Enchanting

Use: Apply to a submission

Effect: Brings a random effect boost to 100% chance.

Use as Emote
Scroll of Counters

Scroll of Counters


A scroll of uncommon magic.

Obtained: Enchanting

Use: Apply to a submission

Effect: Counter attacks the first hit recieved.

Use as Emote
Scroll of Complexity

Scroll of Complexity


A scroll of uncommon magic.

Obtained: Enchanting

Use: Apply to a submission

Effect: Increases boost pass chance for the summon submission results from the character.

Use as Emote
Scroll of Mobility

Scroll of Mobility


A scroll of uncommon magic.

Obtained: Enchanting

Use: Apply to a submission

Effect: Prevents Paralyze from effecting the character for the submission.

Use as Emote
Scroll of Life

Scroll of Life


A scroll of uncommon magic.

Obtained: Enchanting

Use: Apply to a submission

Effect: Prevents Petrify from effecting the character for the submission.

Use as Emote
Scroll of Cooling

Scroll of Cooling


A scroll of uncommon magic.

Obtained: Enchanting

Use: Apply to a submission

Effect: Prevents Burning from effecting the character for the submission.

Use as Emote
Scroll of Heating

Scroll of Heating


A scroll of uncommon magic.

Obtained: Enchanting

Use: Apply to a submission

Effect: Prevents Freezing from effecting the character for the submission.

Use as Emote
Scroll of Purity

Scroll of Purity


A scroll of uncommon magic.

Obtained: Enchanting

Use: Apply to a submission

Effect: Prevents Poison from effecting the character for the submission.

Use as Emote
Scroll of Balance

Scroll of Balance


A scroll of uncommon magic.

Obtained: Enchanting

Use: Apply to a submission

Effect: Prevents Stun from effecting the character for the submission.

Use as Emote
Scroll of Sight

Scroll of Sight


A scroll of uncommon magic.

Obtained: Enchanting

Use: Apply to a submission

Effect: Prevents Blinding from effecting the character for the submission.

Use as Emote
Scroll of Invertebrates

Scroll of Invertebrates


A scroll of uncommon magic.

Obtained: Enchanting

Use: Apply to a submission

Effect: Removes bone mutations from the summon submission results.

Use as Emote
Scroll of Grounding

Scroll of Grounding


A scroll of uncommon magic.

Obtained: Enchanting

Use: Apply to a submission

Effect: Removes wing mutations from the summon submission results.

Use as Emote
Scroll of Disbudding

Scroll of Disbudding


A scroll of uncommon magic.

Obtained: Enchanting

Use: Apply to a submission

Effect: Removes horn mutations from the summon submission results.

Use as Emote
Scroll of Repression

Scroll of Repression


A scroll of uncommon magic.

Obtained: Enchanting

Use: Apply to a submission

Effect: Removes charm mutations (not including fire and bubbles) from the summon submission results.

Use as Emote
Scroll of Vacuum

Scroll of Vacuum


A scroll of uncommon magic.

Obtained: Enchanting

Use: Apply to a submission

Effect: Removes fire charms from the summon submission results.

Use as Emote
Scroll of Soul Catchers

Scroll of Soul Catchers


A scroll of uncommon magic.

Obtained: Enchanting

Use: Apply to a submission

Effect: Removes wisp charms from the summon submission results.

Use as Emote
Scroll of Suppression

Scroll of Suppression


A scroll of uncommon magic.

Obtained: Enchanting

Use: Apply to a submission

Effect: Removes trail mutations from the summon submission results.

Use as Emote
Scroll of Clean Shaven

Scroll of Clean Shaven


A scroll of uncommon magic.

Obtained: Enchanting

Use: Apply to a submission

Effect: Removes beard mutations from the summon submission results.

Use as Emote
Scroll of Trimming

Scroll of Trimming


A scroll of uncommon magic.

Obtained: Enchanting

Use: Apply to a submission

Effect: Removes leg mutations from the summon submission results.

Use as Emote
121 results found.