

Rarity: Rare
Category: Markings

Info:  Faded is a rare making that adds a soft gradient to the front or back half of the spirit.

Toggle Guide
Marking Rules/Overview

Tier: Tier 3
Color: Any color natural to the base
Tones: Single color
Shape: Natural

Holes: Holes-NoTapering: Tapering-NoBreaks: Breaks-No

Symmetry: Symmetry-Yes  Asymmetry-NoNuances: Nuances-No

Edges: Hard-Edge-No  Soft-Edges-No   Blended-Edges-Yes   Gradient-Edges-Yes  Textured-Edges-No  Mixed-Edges-No

Please note: Faded has a unique optional interaction with Shimmer. Please see the Marking Interaction Guide for more info.

Ranges and Coverage
Kiji Range 1
Kiji Range 2
Tally Range 1
Tally Range 2

Wing Ranges

Feathered 1
Feathered 2
Leather 2

Horns: Faded can touch the horns if in area.

Beard: Faded must touch the beard if in area.

Back: Faded can touch the back if in area.

Belly: Faded can touch the belly if in area.

Leg Fur: Faded must touch leg fur if in area.

Body Protrusions: Faded can touch certain protrusions if in area.

Fins: Faded can touch the fins if in area.

Examples and Common Mistakes
Good Examples
If on the front half, must expand from the nose out like a sheet.
Faded can be on feet and not connect to tail or chest.

Common Mistakes
Faded cannot be on both the front and back ranges at the same time.
Cannot have long dips.
See it in Action
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