

Rarity: Uncommon
Category: Markings

Info:  Spotted is an uncommon marking that puts small spots all over the coat of the Kiji.

Toggle Guide
Marking Rules/Overview

Tier: Tier 4
Color: Any color natural to the base
Tones: Single color
Shape: Natural, must cover 50%+

Holes: Holes-No Tapering: Tapering-No Breaks: Breaks-Yes

Symmetry: Symmetry-YesAsymmetry-Yes Nuances: Nuances-No

Edges: Hard-Edge-Yes Soft-Edges-Yes   Blended-Edges-No  Gradient-Edges-No Textured-Edges-Yes  Mixed-Edges-Yes

Please note: Spotted has a unique optional interaction with Eye Spots. Please see the Marking Interaction Guide for more info.

Ranges and Coverage
Full Allowed
Tally Full Allowed

Wing Ranges

Full Allowed-Feathered
Full Allowed-Leather

Horns: Spotted can touch the horns.

Beard: Spotted can touch the beard.

Back: Spotted can touch the back.

Belly: Spotted can touch the belly.

Leg Fur: Spotted can touch leg fur.

Body Protrusions: Spotted can touch certain protrusions.

Fins: Spotted can touch the fins.

Examples and Common Mistakes
Good Examples
Must cumulatively cover approximately 50% or more of the body, but this doesn't mean the spots need to be terribly dense.
Spots can be slightly blobby.
Spots can be uniform.
Spots can vary in size.

Common Mistakes
Must not appear as sparkles or Ticked
Spots cannot overlap each other or touch.
See it in Action

Sunny (Kiji)

Rarity: Uncommon
Category: Markings
Species: Kijikaiaku

Info:  Sunny is an uncommon marking that makes the base coat look shiny and bright.

Toggle Guide
Marking Rules/Overview

Tier: Tier 1 Sheen
Color: Saturated orange-yellow
Tones: Can have subtle orange/yellow gradients
Shape: It's a sheen, so only has to show partly

Holes: Holes-No Tapering: Tapering-No Breaks: Breaks-No

Symmetry: Symmetry-YesAsymmetry-No Nuances: Nuances-Yes

Edges: Hard-Edge-NoSoft-Edges-Yes  Blended-Edges-Yes   Gradient-Edges-No Textured-Edges-No Mixed-Edges-Yes

Please note: Sunny has a unique optional interaction with Moonlight. Please see the Marking Interaction Guide for more info.

Ranges and Coverage
Kiji Full Required

Wing Ranges

Full Required-Feathered
Full Required-Leathered

Horns: Sunny must cover the horns.

Beard: Sunny must cover the beard.

Back: Sunny must cover the back.

Belly: Sunny must cover the belly.

Leg Fur: Sunny must cover leg fur.

Body Protrusions: Sunny must cover certain protrusions.

Examples and Common Mistakes
Good Examples
It is a sheen, so can show partially. It doesn't need to visually cover the entirety of the body.
Sunny can use certain filter layers as long as it's still yellow/orange.

Common Mistakes
Sunny is a sheen, not patches, and should have transparency.
Sunny may not be so light to appear as shiny.
See it in Action


Rarity: Uncommon
Category: Markings

Info:  Tabby is an uncommon marking that colors the face, chest, and legs white like on tabby cats.

Toggle Guide
Marking Rules/Overview

Tier: Tier 3
Color: White
Tones: Single color
Shape: Natural

Holes: Holes-No Tapering: Tapering-Yes Breaks: Breaks-Yes

Symmetry: Symmetry-YesAsymmetry-Yes Nuances: Nuances-No

Edges: Hard-Edge-Yes Soft-Edges-Yes   Blended-Edges-No  Gradient-Edges-No Textured-Edges-Yes  Mixed-Edges-Yes

Ranges and Coverage
Kiji Range
Tally Range

Wing Ranges


Horns: Tabby cannot touch the horns.

Beard: Tabby can touch the beard.

Back: Tabby cannot touch the back.

Belly: Tabby can touch the belly.

Leg Fur: Tabby can touch leg fur.

Body Protrusions: Tabby can touch certain protrusions.

Fins: Tabby can touch the fins.

Examples and Common Mistakes
Good Examples
The marking must be obviously white, but doesn't need to be 100% value white.
Can have great dips and cuts.

Common Mistakes
Cannot appear stripey.
Tabby cannot have swirls or splatters on the edges.
See it in Action


Rarity: Uncommon
Category: Markings

Info:  Veins is an uncommon small striped marking around the points of the body that are reminiscent to veins.

Toggle Guide
Marking Rules/Overview

Tier: Tier 3
Color: Darker than but same hue as the base or blue/red
Tones: Can have subtle gradients/multi-tones
Shape: Can be unnatural

Holes: Holes-No Tapering: Tapering-Yes Breaks: Breaks-Yes

Symmetry: Symmetry-YesAsymmetry-Yes Nuances: Nuances-Yes

Edges: Hard-Edge-YesSoft-Edges-No   Blended-Edges-No  Gradient-Edges-No Textured-Edges-No  Mixed-Edges-No

Please note: Veins has a unique optional interaction with Crackle. Please see the Marking Interaction Guide for more info.

Ranges and Coverage
Kiji Range
Tally Range

Wing Ranges


Horns: Veins can touch the horns.

Beard: Veins can touch the beard.

Back: Veins cannot touch the back.

Belly: Veins can touch the belly.

Leg Fur: Veins can touch leg fur.

Body Protrusions: Veins can touch certain protrusions.

Fins: Veins can touch the fins.

Examples and Common Mistakes
Good Examples
Must be natural veiny shapes.
Veins CAN be white or black on an Albino or Nighted base respectively.

Common Mistakes
Cannot appear as lightning or cracks.
The red or blue shades must be obvious and saturated, and cannot be subtle or too light or dark.
See it in Action


Rarity: Uncommon
Category: Markings

Info:  Blush is an uncommon small cheek marking that can be any color.

Toggle Guide
Marking Rules/Overview

Tier: Tier 2
Any Color
Tones: Single
Shape: Rounded, cannot be a streak

Holes: Holes-NoTapering: Tapering-NoBreaks: Breaks-No

Symmetry: Symmetry-Yes  Asymmetry-NoNuances: Nuances-Yes

Edges: Hard-Edge-Yes   Soft-Edges-Yes   Blended-Edges-No   Gradient-Edges-No  Textured-Edges-No  Mixed-Edges-No

Ranges and Coverage
Kiji Range
Tally Range

Wings: Blush cannot touch the wings.

Horns: Blush cannot touch the horns.

Beard: Blush cannot touch the beard.

Back: Blush cannot touch the back.

Belly: Blush cannot touch the belly.

Leg Fur: Blush cannot touch leg fur.

Body Protrusions: Blush cannot touch certain protrusions.

Fins: Blush cannot touch the fins.

Examples and Common Mistakes
Good Examples
Nuance can be from the center.
Nuance can be from the edge.
Can be teardrop shaped.

Common Mistakes
Cannot have a straight edge.
Can't curve inwards.
See it in Action

Moonlight (Sub)

Rarity: Uncommon
Category: Markings
Species: Subtalleon

Info:  Moonlight is a legendary marking that makes the base coat look shiny and glowing.

Toggle Guide
Marking Rules/Overview

Tier: Tier 1 Sheen
Color: Desaturated blue grey
Tones: Can have blue/grey gradients
Shape: It's a sheen, so only has to show partly

Holes: Holes-No Tapering: Tapering-No Breaks: Breaks-No

Symmetry: Symmetry-YesAsymmetry-No Nuances: Nuances-Yes

Edges: Hard-Edge-NoSoft-Edges-Yes  Blended-Edges-Yes   Gradient-Edges-No Textured-Edges-No Mixed-Edges-Yes

Please note: Moonlight has a unique optional interaction with Sunny. Please see the Marking Interaction Guide for more info.

Ranges and Coverage
Tally Full Required

Horns: Moonlight must cover the horns.

Beard: Moonlight must cover the beard.

Back: Moonlight must cover the back.

Belly: Moonlight must cover the belly.

Leg Fur: Moonlight must cover leg fur.

Body Protrusions: Moonlight must cover certain protrusions.

Fins: Moonlight must cover the fins.

Examples and Common Mistakes
Good Examples
It is a sheen, so can show partially. It doesn't need to visually cover the entirety of the body.
Moonlight can use certain filter layers as long as it's still blue/grey.

Common Mistakes
Moonlight is a sheen, not patches, and should have transparency.
Moonlight may not be so light to appear as shiny.
See it in Action

Negate Beard

Rarity: Uncommon
Category: Boosts

Makes the chance of any summons from the character to have a 0% chance at any beard mutations, regardless if a dominant trait is present.
​This is a blanketed boost.

Negate Legs

Rarity: Uncommon
Category: Boosts

Makes the chance of any summons from the character to have a 0% chance at any leg mutations, regardless if a dominant trait is present.
​This is a blanketed boost.

Negate Belly

Rarity: Uncommon
Category: Boosts

Makes the chance of any summons from the character to have a 0% chance at any belly mutations, regardless if a dominant trait is present.
​This is a blanketed boost.

Negate Back

Rarity: Uncommon
Category: Boosts

Makes the chance of any summons from the character to have a 0% chance at any back mutations, regardless if a dominant trait is present.
​This is a blanketed boost.

Negate Body

Rarity: Uncommon
Category: Boosts

Makes the chance of any summons from the character to have a 0% chance at any body mutations, regardless if a dominant trait is present.
​This is a blanketed boost.

Negate Whiskers

Rarity: Uncommon
Category: Boosts
Species: Kijikaiaku

Makes the chance of any summons from the Kiji to have a 0% chance at any whisker mutations, regardless if a dominant trait is present.
​This is a blanketed boost.

Negate Wings (Sub)

Rarity: Uncommon
Category: Boosts
Species: Subtalleon

Negate Fins

Rarity: Uncommon
Category: Boosts
Species: Subtalleon

Makes the chance of any summons from the character to have a 0% chance at any fin mutations, regardless if a dominant trait is present.
​This is a blanketed boost.


Rarity: Uncommon
Category: Boosts

Discovery Cove locations become easier to discover.

Tier I
15% chance to replace a drop with a location instead.

Tier II
Removes the chance of finding Ares' Cart in return for an item as well as the above.

Tier III
Instead of increasing the chance of finding locations, makes it so other spirits in the art find the same location(s) as the spirit this is on and vice versa if possible. (Replaces items they find with the location(s)), and also changes Ares to an item.

Negate Bubbles

Rarity: Uncommon
Category: Boosts
Species: Subtalleon

Makes the chance of any summons from the character to have a 0% chance at any bubbles mutations, regardless if a dominant trait is present.
​This is a blanketed boost.

Resist Winded

Rarity: Uncommon
Category: Boosts

Adds a 20% chance for your spirit to resist winded, as well as increasing the effect of Weak Petrify by 5%.

Tier 2-4 adds 20% chance increase each time for a max of 80%, as well as increasing the effect of Weak Petrify by 5% each time for a max of 20%.
This can be stacked.

Resist Soak

Rarity: Uncommon
Category: Boosts

Adds a 20% chance for your spirit to resist soaked, as well as increasing the effect of Weak Winded by 5%.

Tier 2-4 adds 20% chance increase each time for a max of 80%, as well as increasing the effect of Weak Winded by 5% each time for a max of 20%.
This can be stacked.

Negate Base

Rarity: Uncommon
Category: Boosts

Makes the chance of any summons from the character to have a 0% chance at any base modifiers.
​This is a blanketed boost.

Negate Energy

Rarity: Uncommon
Category: Boosts

Makes the chance of any summons from the character to have a 0% chance at any energy mutations.
​This is a blanketed boost.

164 results found.