This is a Tally only skill.
Regular Version: Grants you a 5% possibility of changing a loot gained into a rarer or better version. Evolved Version: Changes to a 10% chance.
This is a Kiji only skill.
Regular Version: Grants you an extra loot for each location discovered! Evolved Version: Additionally grants an extra loot to every cove roll.
Regular Version: Grants you a bonus item to regular drops in most activities.Evolved Version: You can choose the bonus item dropped, must be a common item. Will be random if not chosen.
Regular Version: Grants you the ability to ignore battle cooldowns, with a toll to health that depends on the damage taken.Evolved Version: This skill does not evolve.
Regular Version: Grants you 1 point of extra Defense for every 5 Stamina. Evolved Version: Increases the chance of a perfect block by 5%.
This is a Kiji only skill. This is only available to War Alphas.
Regular Version: Grants your attacks a 5% chance to inflict 5% additional damage.Evolved Version: Increases it to a 45% chance.
This is a Kiji only skill. This is only available to Post-Thinners.
Regular Version: Grants you a 15% chance to gain a Core Soul from defeated enemies. Evolved Version: Increases to a 20% chance, with an additional 5% chance to be the familiar instead.
Regular Version: Allows your character a 40% chance to receive a temporary 10 point bonus to their stats. Evolved Version: The bonus is increased to 20 points and ignores the stat cap.
This is a Kiji only skill. This is only available to New Gen.
Regular Version: Grants your character a bonus 33% Player Tokens from being included in other’s lore submissions. Evolved Version: Grants others in the submission bonus PT as well.
This is a Kiji only skill. This is only available to Beta-Kin.
Regular Version: Grants you a 75% chance to find a location when exploring on top of your items. Evolved Version: The location gains a 75% chance of being a location your character has not discovered yet (if possible).
Regular Version: Resonates with remnants of ancient technology and lost civilizations, granting you bonus item and currency rewards when exploring ruins or discovering hints of long ago. Evolved Version: Includes most other 'modern' appearing tech or items as well.
This is a Kiji only skill. This is only available to Empathizers.
Regular Version: Adds a 30% chance for you to calm aggressive mobs and bring them to your side for 5 turns as an ally. Evolved Version: Changes to a 33% chance and lasts for 10 turns.
Regular Version: Averages your character's stats between them and their allies. Evolved Version: This skill does not evolve.
This is a Kiji only skill. This is only available to Omegites.
Regular Version: Unleashes illusions and distractions on your opponent and gaining a 30% chance to evade hits. Evolved Version: This skill does not evolve.
Regular Version: Grants you a 12% chance to increase tiers of boosts owned by the character if others have a higher tier of the same boost. Evolved Version: Guarentees one random boost will increase in tier if others have the higher tier version.
This is a Kiji only skill. This is only available to Gaiakith.
Regular Version: Allows you to briefly manipulate small elements like wind, leaves, or flowers, which has a 15% chance to distract an enemy. Evolved Version: Changes to a 30% chance.
Regular Version: Increases your rewards (Lore item drops, PT, and REP) for lore prompts. Evolved Version: Expands to all rewards as long as the submission is lore related.
This is a Tally only skill. This is only available to Yilekith.
Regular Version: Grants 10 bonus damage when attacking alongside another Subtalleon, regardless of their generation. Evolved Version: This damage cannot be blocked or minimized.
This is a Tally only skill. This is only available to Revoleers.
Regular Version: Allows you to gain a small bonus of 5% to a random stat when working alongside other Subtalleons or even Kijikaiaku. Evolved Version: This bonus can go over the stat cap.
Regular Version: Grants your character a point or two of bonus reputation when interacting with Kijikaiaku and other species. Evolved Version: Will neutralize unfavorable actions for faction reputation.